I'm here to share,with YOU,my friend...because sharing is caring.
(At least that's what those damn pastel Bears are always screaming about)
My name is Aiyana&I am a multimedia visual artist curently living&working in Portland,Maine.
At the moment I'm obsessed with images of hair:
mustaches,beards,eyelashes,eyebrows,chest,bush,afros,braids etc.
I also enjoy lactation,ejaculation,perspiration,crying,lolling tongues,buck teeth,googlie eyes&things that sparkle&glow in the dark(or at least look like they should.) Lighting bolts&Rainbows should be exploding everywhere!
Wow,that do make me feel a whole lot better getting that out there.
xoxo Aiyana Sphere
If more people were open about their fascination with forbidden bodily fluids and bulging organs this world would be a saner place. Thanks for leading the charge, Eye!